Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Schools may block Google!

Many schools block social networking sites. After one day of playing with Google+ and seeing how connected it is to all other google apps when we are signed in, I am worried that in an effort to block google+, schools will just block google.  I am looking for answers on this topic.  I assumed it would be a standalone piece, and it may be if just using google and never signing in, or if using google apps for education.  My fear is that not every school technician understands how important the google apps are to educators, they may block google+ and wind up blocking google.   I myself am usually signed in when I am working in schools, and now that I have google +, will I not be be able to use all my documents and calendars?  Anyone out there have any insights?


  1. I would hope school districts would not block google all togehter. I have actually spoken with my computer tech about possibly having students (8th graders) create a google account so we can take advantage of all google has to offer. My tech and I were against ordering this software that the school district just had to have... Strata Logica.... because we both explained that all that can be done with this expensive program can be done for free using Google. I think schools blocking google is a big mistake because in this time with a lack of funding, why wouldn't we take advantage of free things? Possibly you could do a presentation for what all Google offers and present it to your superiors...... Just a thought :)

  2. I don't think MOST schools will block google. I mean really, google runs the world. Our school is so open with our wifis and pretty much anything you want unlocked. We have google apps, but a lot of them are blocked. I'm working on that. =) We have blogger, and he just unlocked google sites. Next I want him to open up reader. Angela, you should get the google apps for your school. It's awesome, and the kids all get school email accounts.

  3. I have been in a district with one to one laptops for the past few days and so many sites are locked down- I think the addition of Google+ will make them block google. There are chrome extensions that allow facebook and twitter on g+. I think more schools will have to move to google apps for education where particular apps can be shut down without losing too much functionality.

  4. But actually most of the schools are doing this and in my school members also blocked the google and i am very upset aned try to find out the tool to open this. Atlast i found it just click on . Access blocked Google


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