Thursday, March 8, 2018

Adventures in Flipgrid

Have you introduced your students to Flipgrid yet? If not, you will enjoy this adventure with them. Flipgrid allows teachers to create discussion-style questions that students respond to through recorded videos. Each grid is effectively a message board where teachers can pose a question (Topic), and their students can post quick video responses that appear in a tiled "grid" display. Grids can be password-protected, public or private and are an excellent way to collaborate with one another and other classrooms. 

Students do NOT need to login to participate, nor do they need an email address; they just need the code to the discussion topic or the grid. They can respond using any device with a webcam, be it PC/MAC, Chromebook, tablet or phone. 

Digital pen pals! 

For those of you looking for digital pen pals, connect your classroom with students of your fellow Flipgrid educators around the world! Explore possible connections by grid, age, or subject domain. Look at what Janie Hachen's students recorded for Read Across America Month! 

Co- Pilots! 

You can even add a Co-Pilot to your grid, meaning that other Flipgrid educators can edit the grid, create Topics, review videos, and provide feedback.

Do they hate being on camera?

For students who are not allowed on camera, or are a bit camera shy, they can use puppets or point the camera to their classwork or somewhere other than their faces. They can also record avatar videos using apps like Chatterpix kids or Voki and upload that video as their response. There are some samples at this post by Jen Giffen.

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