Thursday, January 2, 2014

Using Edmodo to Collect Data for Science Fair Projects

Middle school teachers battling with science fair projects and the collection of real data have many resources at their disposal.  Students can create surveymonkeys, polldaddys or Google forms to collect data.  The problem lies not in the creation of the collection tool, but in the dissemination of the actual surveys to a participating audience.  Here is an example of a science teacher from Virginia reaching out to his professional learning community in edmodo to assist his student in her objective. This plea will garner many responses, beyond what the student needs, because teachers love to help one another. As a result of Mr. Bearman's post, there will be teachers who will use this link for their own students to complete in science classrooms across the globe. This student will have more responses than she could have ever dreamed of and will be able to find correlations for her research based on a huge sample size.  If you want to add your own response to her project use this link and complete the survey yourself!

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